Make Camo Your Cause with U.S.VETS client Ismael “Ray” Tarazon (U.S. Army veteran) – Full Story

U.S.VETS client and U.S Army veteran Isamel “Ray” Tarazon shares his story about joining the military and how he ended with a place to call home at U.S.VETS Inglewood. Ray was wrongfully accused of a crime he did not commit and was released as an innocent man when his sentenced was commuted after 37 years. He then met U.S.VETS when he found himself without a home upon release.

U.S.VETS serves veterans across the country like Ray every day, helping them to live with dignity and independence! We invite you to view Ray’s story and support U.S.VETS in putting an end to veteran homelessness in the United States. Make Camo Your Cause to #HONORUSVETS!

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