Breakthrough for students with hearing disabilities in Senegal classrooms

(16 Apr 2024)



LENGTH: 3:12

Dakar, Senegal – 20 March 2024

1. Various of classroom, teaching assistant Pape Amadou Lô and students at Apix Guinaw Rails Sud school
2. Students in classroom, including Mouhamed Sall
3. Close of Sall
4. Teaching assistant Pape Amadou Lô explaining lesson to Sall using sign language
5. SOUNDBITE (French) Pape Amadou Lô, teaching assistant:
"We’re really committed to helping the children because we see that all children are equal, which is why we have an inclusive class or school, and we’ve harmonized them with the hearing pupils, and we see that there’s harmonization with the other students, because they help each other."

6. Various of students walking around school
7. Sall writing on chalkboard
8. SOUNDBITE (French) Oumar Diop, head supervisor, Apix Guinaw Rails Sud school:
"The teachers have been trained in adapted pedagogy, different teaching methods, and also sign language to be able to communicate with their children."

9. Various of Sall speaking with classmate using sign language
10. Wide of Sall drawing on chalkboard
11. SOUNDBITE (French) Oumar Diop, head supervisor, Apix Guinaw Rails Sud school:
"In our class, we have chosen a school life assistant (AVS). The AVS helps the teacher with lessons, because he or she is trained in sign language, while the teacher is trained in differentiated pedagogy, so the children won’t have comprehension difficulties in class."

12. Various of Sall walking on street
13. Setup shot of Khadija Koundio, mother of Mouhamed Sall
14. SOUNDBITE (Fulani) Khadija Koundio, mother of Mouhamed Sall:
"Mouhamed loves what he does. One day maybe I won’t be around, since I know I won’t live with him forever, so that’s why I encourage him to learn, so he can (know how to work and) have enough to support himself when I’m no longer here."

15. Various of Sall painting model of house he designed and hopes to build for his parents when he finishes school
16. Sall and his mother speaking in sign language
17. SOUNDBITE (Fulani) Khadija Koundio, mother of Mouhamed Sall:
“I accompany him to hardware stores to pick up boxes, and I also help him with the income I get from selling incense, as his father is retired. That’s how I buy the materials he needs."

18. Sall walking on pedestrian bridge

A new approach in Senegal is mixing a small number of hard-of-hearing students into public classrooms.

It’s a step forward in the West African country, where some people still associate disabilities with stigma.

The United Nations children’s agency says about 60 percent of children with disabilities in Senegal are not going to school.

At one school in a suburb of capital Dakar, some students are eagerly seizing the chance to learn sign language to communicate with their new peers.


In this classroom at a secondary school in the populous district of Pikine, on the outskirts of Dakar, pupils and their teacher have taken their places to work, but in their midst, five pupils are not like the others: They are deaf and mute.

Mouhamed Sall steps to the chalkboard with a glance and quick question in sign language to an assistant.

Then he solves the exercise to the silent approval of his classmates.

Sall and three other students are part of a new approach in a small number of Senegal schools that seat those who are deaf and hard of hearing with the rest of the class.

Senegal lacks a national strategy for inclusive education, but it is developing one.

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