Former UK MEP speaks at the National Conservative Conference in Brussels

(16 Apr 2024)

Brussels – 16 April 2024
1. Former UK Member of European Parliament Nigel Farage arriving at conservative conference venue
2. Wide of Farage walking on stage
3. National Conservative Conference 2024 banner, attendees
4. Wide of Farage on stage
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Nigel Farage, former UK Member of European Parliament:
“I’d like to say that it’s really good to be back in Brussels, that things have improved, but clearly they’ve actually got rather worse. What has happened over the course of the last 48 hours is simply monstrous. This is national conservatism. There are people coming on this platform over the course of these two days, representing political parties that will top the polls in their country in the European elections of June this year. Hopefully nine countries, but who knows? It may be more than that. We have, of course, Viktor Orban from Hungary appearing on this platform as well. And yet, I mean, I knew I wouldn’t be welcome back in Brussels. And having one venue cancelled, well, okay, I can live with that. But for two venues to cancel is absolutely outrageous. And what you may or may not know in the audience now is that this venue, which accepted this booking last night, and we give huge thanks to the Tunisian owner of this business for his courage in allowing free speech to take place. But what is happening as we speak? He is receiving phone calls from the local mayor. The police are being encouraged to come in and shut down this conference. They have even been speaking to the caterers. So the food hasn’t arrived. The plates haven’t arrived. Worst of all, the drinks haven’t arrived.”
6. Wide of Farage speaking, audience listening
7. Brussels police entering venue and then leaving after a few seconds
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Nigel Farage, former UK Member of European Parliament:
“When we talk about European Union, when we talk about the building of a new global superpower, when we talk about Brussels as the epicentre of the globalist project, no alternative view is allowed. No alternative view is tolerated. It’s quite acceptable, of course, to say that you’re sceptical. That you think perhaps integration is happening too quickly. All of that is perfectly allowed. But to question the very basis upon which all of this, all of this is done is unacceptable.”
9. Wide of Farage
10. Farage leaving stage to applause
Former UK Member of European Parliament Nigel Farage spoke at the National Conservative Conference in Brussels on Tuesday, where a gathering of stridently nationalist and fundamentalist Christian politicians and think-tankers were barred from re-entering the city venue if they dared to leave.

Around a dozen police officers blocked the main door, with no protesters in sight.

Inside the Claridge Events centre – the third premises organisers had turned to after the owners of two other locations shied away when anti-fascist protesters vowed to disrupt proceedings – Nigel Farage, the man credited with taking Britain out of the European Union, stalked the stage.

"What has happened over the course of the last 48 hours is simply monstrous…I knew I wouldn’t be welcome back in Brussels. And having one venue cancelled, well, okay, I can live with that. But for two venues to cancel is absolutely outrageous," Farage told a crowd of supporters.

“When we talk about European Union, when we talk about the building of a new global superpower, when we talk about Brussels as the epicentre of the globalist project, no alternative view is allowed," he added.

AP Video shot by Mark Carlson

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