Bob Graham, ex-US senator and Florida governor, dies at 87

(17 Apr 2024)



Washington, DC – 22 May 2003

1. Four U.S. Senators sitting at table. then-Sen. Bob Graham is upper left
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Senator Bob Graham, (D) Florida:
"Clearly, al Qaida is reconstituting itself as we have seen by the bombings in places like Yeman, Indonesia, and most recently Saudi Arabia, and possibly, also, Chechnya and Morocco. At the same time, it is disturbingly apparent that some foreign governments are supporting, or at the very least providing sanctuary for terrorist networks."


Washington, DC – 24 July 2003

3. then-Senator Bob Graham of Florida and then-Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama walk into room

4. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Bob Graham, (D) Florida:
"The attacks of September the 11th could have been prevented if the right combination of skill, cooperation, creativity and some good luck had been brought to task."

5. Graham and Shelby at table

6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Bob Graham, (D) Florida:
"The report makes clear that we should have known that potential terrorists were living among us. Indeed, two of them had numerous, substantial contact with an FBI informant in San Diego, California for six months or more in the year 2000."


Washington, DC – 6 June 2002

7. Mid shot Senator Bob Graham

8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Bob Graham, Senator, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee

"I have found around here that changing the status quo is always an uphill struggle. You’ve got a lot of vested interests scattered around Washington DC and the nation for whatever the current system happens to be, so it’s not going to be easy to make these changes."

9. Mid shot Graham leaving
Former U.S. Sen. and two-term Florida Gov. Bob Graham, who gained national prominence as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee in the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks and as an early critic of the Iraq war, has died. He was 87.

Graham’s family announced the death Tuesday in a statement posted on X by his daughter Gwen Graham.

Graham, who served three terms in the Senate, made an unsuccessful bid for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination, emphasizing his opposition to the Iraq invasion.

But his bid was delayed by heart surgery in January 2003 and he was never able to gain enough traction with voters to catch up, bowing out that October. He didn’t seek re-election in 2004 and was replaced by Republican Mel Martinez.

Graham was a man of many quirks. He perfected the “workdays” political gimmick of spending a day doing various jobs from horse stall mucker to FBI agent and kept a meticulous diary, noting almost everyone he spoke with, everything he ate, the TV shows he watched and even his golf scores.

But he closed the notebooks to the media during his short-lived presidential bid on the advice of his campaign that was concerned coverage of the contents could become a distraction or potentially embarrass the candidate.

Graham said the notebooks were a working tool for him and that he was reluctant to describe his emotions or personal feelings in them.

“I review them for calls to be made, memos to be dictated, meetings I want to follow up on and things people promise to do,” he said.

Graham was among the earliest opponents of the Iraq war, saying it diverted America’s focus on the battle against terrorism centered in Afghanistan. He was also critical of President George W. Bush for failing to have an occupation plan in Iraq after the U.S. military threw out Saddam Hussein in 2003.

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