California and Norway sign new climate agreement

(16 Apr 2024)

Larkspur, California – 16 April 2024
1. Signing new climate agreement
2. Norwegian, American and California flags
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Gov. Gavin Newsom, (D) California:
"It’s a point of pride to continue to invest in our efforts to change our strategies as it relates to our carbon footprint. It’s a point of pride that we dominate in America on solar. We dominate in electric vehicles. We’re dominating on battery storage, 757% increase in just the last few years in battery storage. We are proud of that leadership, and we want to see that we will not cede that regardless of the prevailing winds. My one political comment, regardless of the prevailing winds nationally, California’s firm in advancing its environmental strategies and its environmental leadership. So we’re grateful to all of you."
4. Wide of Norway minister speaking
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Jan Christian Vestre, Norway Minister of Trade and Industry:
"California has been leading the way for decades already on all the frameworks, on all the regulatory conditions and all the rules and regulations and all those things. And I think that has also made it quite predictable for the industry and for the private sector and for everybody actually to know where we are heading. I have to mention, of course, this is the hub for technology and innovation. And if we are to solve the climate crisis, if we are to protect and restore nature and biodiversity, and at the same time, on a global level, eradicating poverty, fighting injustice, all the things we have committed on in the 17 sustainability goals, we have to work together and we have to find new technological approaches and the bold ideas moving ahead."
6. Various Newsom and Vestre shaking hands after the signing ceremony
A delegation from Norway toured several companies in California’s Silicon Valley to learn about new climate technology, including Google and artificial intelligence chip maker Nvidia.

They also toured San Quentin State Prison, which is in the process of being converted into a new rehabilitation center modeled after Norway’s prisons, considered a model for reform.

The new multifaceted environmental agreement between California and Norway includes new goals towards zero emission transportation and reducing deforestation.

The signing of the agreement took place at a ferry terminal in Larkspur, California in front of one of the first new electric-powered ferries transporting commuters and visitors across the Bay Area with zero emissions.


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