Homes demolished in low income areas of Abidjan over alleged health concerns

(17 Apr 2024)

Abidjan, Ivory Coast – 23 February 2024
1. Various of bulldozer destroying slums
2. Various of women walking and crying as their homes are destroyed
3. Youssouf Coulibaly speaking with his neighbour
4. SOUNDBITE (French) Youssouf Coulibaly, Boribana youth leader:
"It’s our whole history. I was born here. My parents have been here for 40 years. So Boribana is like our village. Imagine for a moment that when our children went to school, when they left (the house) there were no policemen. They say to themselves that at midday, we’re going to go back home to eat, and come to find that dad isn’t there, mum isn’t there, the house isn’t there."
5. Excavator destroying Boribana mosque
6. Children looking for toys in debris of destroyed homes
7. Abdoulaye Sidibe pushing against ceiling, looking for belongings before demolition begins
8. SOUNDBITE (French) Abdoulaye Sidibé, resident of Boribana:
"Since then I’ve had no information until the night before last, when someone called me to tell me that they (the authorities) are in the process of breaking up (the houses) in another place.”
9. Various of women transporting their belongings

Abidjan, Ivory Coast – 28 February 2024
10. SOUNDBITE (French) Amadou Coulibaly, minister of communication, spokesperson of the Ivorian government:
(On money for slum residents) "The government’s vision is clear. These neighbourhoods need to be cleaned up, and you’re right to mention this funding. It’s proof that measures have been in place for a long time to clean up these neighbourhoods. Financial agreements have been concluded.”

Abidjan, Ivory Coast – 23 February 2024
11. Various of police securing site

Abidjan, Ivory Coast – 28 February 2024
12. SOUNDBITE (French) Amadou Coulibaly, minister of communication, spokesperson of the Ivorian government:
(On why government chose to demolish slums) “Sometimes whole families have been decimated (by floods and rains), like in Boribana where almost six members of the same family died in a landslide. At some point, a responsible government cannot remain insensitive to these tragedies.”

Abidjan, Ivory Coast – 23 February 2024
13. Women transporting their belongings

Abidjan, Ivory Coast – 26 February 2024
14. Political analyst and journalist André Sylvain Konan at computer
15. SOUNDBITE (French) André Sylvain Konan, political analyst and journalist at Ivorian newspaper “Ivoire Hebdo”: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++
"The district of Abidjan is systematically breaking up houses, businesses (building) and schools without any form of trial. I find this cruel."
16. Konan typing
17. SOUNDBITE (French) André Sylvain Konan, political analyst and journalist at Ivorian newspaper “Ivoire Hebdo”: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++
"These people who used to live in the slums, so poor, are being chased out of Abidjan, because a rich man wouldn’t fit in, making Abidjan a city of the rich.”

Abidjan, Ivory Coast – 23 February 2024
18. Various of families outside with their belongings
Authorities in Ivory Coast’s largest city have been demolishing homes in low-income areas over what they say are public health concerns, leaving thousands without shelter and with nowhere to go.

Hundreds of homes were crushed in February in a wave of demolitions targeting underdeveloped areas in the country’s fast-growing economic hub of Abidjan.

Many families, however, remain homeless, stranded in several parts of the city.

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