Trump speaks outside courtroom after 12 jurors are seated in hush money case

(18 Apr 2024)

New York – 18 April 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, (R) presidential candidate:
"And it’s a shame. It’s a shame. And I’m sitting here for days now from morning till night in that freezing room, freezing. Everybody was freezing in there and all for this. And this is your result. Look at that. Each one of them a story and it’s very unfair it’s a very bad thing. Very bad thing. The whole world is watching this hoax. You got a DA that’s out of control. You have a judge that’s highly conflicted. The whole thing is a mess. And you have the leading candidate and leading crooked Joe Biden by a lot. He’s the one that should be on trial, he’s a crook. You got a crooked president. He should be on trial with all the stuff he’s done and his family. He should be on trial, but he’s the one in charge. His top people are here working with the DA’s office to make sure everything goes right. But it shouldn’t go right because they have no case. And that’s what this is all about."
A jury of 12 people was seated Thursday in former President Donald Trump’s history-making hush money trial, propelling the proceedings closer to opening statements and the start of weeks of dramatic testimony.

The court quickly turned to selecting alternate jurors.

The jury includes a sales professional, a software engineer, a security engineer, an English teacher, a speech therapist, multiple lawyers, an investment banker and a retired wealth manager.

The first-ever trial of a former American president will unfold in the middle of this year’s race for the White House, ensuring that the legal troubles of the presumptive Republican nominee will be a dominant issue in the contest against Democratic incumbent Joe Biden.

The trial will almost certainly feature unflattering testimony about the Trump’s personal life before he became president, with allegations that he falsifying business records to suppress stories in the final days of the 2016 election about his sexual relationships.

The jury selection process appeared wobbly earlier in the day when two jurors were dismissed, one after expressing doubt about her ability to be fair following disclosure of details about her identity and the other over concerns that some of his answers in court may have been inaccurate.

But lawyers who began the day with only five jurors settled on the remaining seven for the panel in quick succession, along with one alternate. Judge Juan Merchan has said his goal is to have six alternates.


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