Opening statements set for Monday in Trump’s hush money case after judge rejects latest bid to delay

(19 Apr 2024)

New York – 19 April 2024
1. Wide of Trump walking towards reporters
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, (R) presidential candidate:
"Okay. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. And we just had another hearing. And the trial starts on Monday, which is long before a lot of people thought, the judge wants us to go as fast as possible. Yeah, that’s for his reasons, not for my reasons. And this is really a concerted witch hunt. Very simple. Everything you heard in that this is a witch hunt by numerous judges, Democrat judges. You take a look at it Engoron is a whack job. What he did was a disgrace. It’s being reviewed by the Appellate Division, and I hope they do justice because everybody’s looking and nobody, no business is coming into the city. None whatsoever. Now, looking at that case, that case is a threat to democracy, frankly. What took place with the AG, a crooked AG Letitia James campaigned in the fact, who campaigned on the fact that I’m going to get Trump, I’m going to get Trump. That’s all she said for two years. And it’s people don’t want to see this stuff. When you have violent criminals all over the streets of New York and nothing happens. So even when they catch them, they let him go. No bail, no bail whatsoever. So this is just a concerted witch hunt. Whether it’s Judge Kaplan with a person, I have no idea until they called and said they’re showing us, I had no idea who this person was or this judge. Or if you look at Engoron where he said that Mar-a-Lago, whichever was worth a billion or 1 billion and a half dollars, he said it was worth $18 million because that suited his narrative. But what what’s happening in this city and all over the country, but what’s happening in particular in this city. Some are very good, by the way. Some are very fair. Those are really the cities that are thriving. But what’s happening here with the judicial system is an outrage. And all over the world they’re watching it. And all over the world they’re seeing it. This is a giant witch hunt to try and hurt a campaign that’s beating the worst president in history. Biden is the worst president in the history of our country, beating him by a lot. And this is the only way they think they can win. But it’s not going to work. Thank you very much."
3. Wide of Trump leaving
A full jury of 12 people and six alternates was seated Friday in Donald Trump’s hush money case, setting the stage for opening statements next week in the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president.

Hours later, an appeals court judge rejected a last-minute bid by the Republican to halt the trial over his claims that jury selection was unfairly rushed.

The jury, which includes a software engineer, investment banker, English teacher and multiple lawyers, took final shape after lawyers spent days quizzing dozens of potential jurors on whether they can impartially judge the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

The judge said lawyers will present opening statements Monday morning before prosecutors begin laying out their case alleging a scheme to cover up negative stories Trump feared would hurt his 2016 presidential campaign.

The trial unfolding in Manhattan thrusts Trump’s legal problems into the heart of his hotly contested race against President Joe Biden, with Trump’s opponent likely to seize on unflattering and salacious testimony to make the case he’s unfit to return as commander in chief.


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