Hundreds of thousands in Burundi displaced by flooding brought by heavy rains

(22 Apr 2024)

Gatumba, Burundi – 19 April 2024
1. Various of people driving, cycling and walking through flood waters
2. Various of flooded properties
3. Pan of person on a surfboard
4. Wide of flooded church, cyclist rides past
5. Wide of flooded property with tarpaulin attached to the front

Mukaza, Burundi – 19 April 2024
6. Various of disaster manager expert and Professor of Geography at Burundi University Jean Marie Sabushimike looking at damage caused by the flooding
7. Wide of rubbish in floodwater
8. SOUNDBITE (French) Jean Marie Sabushimike, Disaster Manager Expert and Professor of Geography at Burundi University:
“The facts are there, the economic impacts are starting to weigh heavily but why these floods? It must be said directly that these floods are associated with the climate changes that are affecting Burundi, like other countries in the region. It’s not just the port. We saw Gatumba in total distress, same as Kibenga, same as the Kinindo West neighbourhoods. Rumonge is also in distress today, even Nyanza-Lac. In fact, we can say the entire coastline of Lake Tanganyika is in distress, as far as I am concerned.”

Bujumbura, Burundi – 19 April 2024
9. Wide of gates and debris at the Port of Bujumbura
10. Wide of person standing next to a pump in flood waters
11. Wide of cranes moving goods
12. Wide of flooded storage area
13. Wide of flooded roundabout

Bujumbura, Burundi – 17 April 2024
14. Mid of United Nations Resident Coordinator in Burundi Violet Kenyana Kakyomya (centre) with others during a news conference
15. SOUNDBITE (French) Violet Kenyana Kakyomya, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Burundi:
“Between September 2023 and April 7, 2024, 203,944 people were affected, according to the Internal Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in addition to 19,250 homes and 209 classrooms that were destroyed. The number of internally displaced people has also increased by 25%, reaching over 98,000 people.”

Gatumba, Burundi – 19 April 2024
16. Various of people walking through flood water
17. SOUNDBITE (Kirundi) Joachim Ntirampeba, flood victim:
“Since last year, the rain and the water levels have been rising here. Little by little, the land is getting waterlogged. Now, it has reached this level and we have never seen it this bad. It’s terrible. It’s the first time I’ve seen it like this in my lifetime.”
18. Mid of people walking through flood waters
19. Various of flooded building
People in Burundi were struggling to cope with flooding after heavy rains hit the country, with thousands being displaced and many homes and schools damaged.

“Between September 2023 and April 7, 2024, 203,944 people were affected, according to the Internal Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in addition to 19,250 homes and 209 classrooms that were destroyed," said United Nations Resident Coordinator in Burundi Violet Kenyana Kakyomya during a news briefing in Bujumbura.

"It’s terrible. It’s the first time I’ve seen it like this in my lifetime," said Joachim Ntirampeba, from the Gatumba village.

The United Nations estimated that since September over 200,000 people have been displaced by flooding as a consequence of the El Nino weather phenomenon.

The government has made appeals to the international community for help in dealing with the dire situation.

Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world according to the World Bank.

AP video shot by Francine Sinarinzi

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