Even with boost of US aid, Ukraine still faces a long slog to repel Russia

(24 Apr 2024)

ARCHIVE – Lyman, Donetsk, Ukraine – 26 January 2024
1. Wide of a Ukrainian-made Bohdana self-propelled howitzer driven out from its cover
2.⁠ ⁠Close of Ukrainian operator of howitzer
3.⁠ ⁠Ammunition being loaded into howitzer
4.⁠ ⁠Various of soldiers preparing to fire
5.⁠ ⁠Various of howitzer firing UPSOUND firing

Kyiv – 22 April 2024
6. Wide of Davyd Arakhamia, lawmaker with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Servant of the People party talking to reporter
7. Close of Arakhamia talking to reporter
8. Arakhamia’s hands
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Davyd Arakhamia, lawmaker with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Servant of the People party:
“The first part is already assembled and waiting to ship they are just waiting for the green light when the legislation will be passed completely through the Senate so we expect it’s going to be until the end of this week and the shipment will go and fortunately the logistics for the shipment are pretty well established and it only takes not more than 48 hours to actually come to the frontlines.”
10. Wide of Arakhamia talking to reporter
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Davyd Arakhamia, lawmaker with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Servant of the People party:
“We obviously have no source, how to source the missiles you know like for air defense systems in particular for the Patriot systems in the US, so we strongly believe that this is the number one priority for civilians because like they protect civilians and objects and cities and the military production internal as well. On the frontline people mostly need shells, different kind of calibers, and they also need some aviation bombs guided bombs and stuff like that to oppose because Russians are preparing for the counter-offensive and we need massive stuff to stop them.”
12. Arakhamia’s hands
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Davyd Arakhamia, lawmaker with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Servant of the People party:
“We have strategic goals, and then you have military goals which are operational. And I don’t believe that the big counter-offensive will play out. Why? Because We don’t have this… so many weapons because Russians already used the moment to pump up their production so, it’s always like when you have some advantage one month later you have equality so it’s very hard to get something in advance so I don’t believe this scenario honestly. I believe that you know, together with sanctions packages, why, because we have this hard power you know weapons and we have the soft power with policies and sanctions. To date, sanctions did not work as expected honestly.”

ARCHIVE – Luhansk region, Ukraine – 28 January 2024
14. Various of soldier setting sight on 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer M109
15. Howitzer muzzle
16. Soldier putting the shell inside howitzer
17. Weapon firing then soldiers loading another shell
18. Soldier aiming at target, weapon firing

Kyiv – 21 April 2024
19. Wide of opposition lawmaker and member of the Ukrainian parliament’s National Security, Defense and Intelligence Committee Vadym Ivchenko talking to reporter
20. Low shot of Ivchenko
21. Reporter’s hands
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Vadym Ivchenko, opposition lawmaker and member of the Ukrainian parliament’s National Security, Defense and Intelligence Committee:
23. Ivchenko’s hands
24. SOUNDBITE (English) Vadym Ivchenko, opposition lawmaker and member of the Ukrainian parliament’s National Security, Defense and Intelligence Committee:


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