Israeli airstrike on the city of Rafah kills at least three people overnight

(24 Apr 2024)

Rafah, Gaza – 24 April 2024
1. Various of destroyed building that was hit by Israeli strike
2. Resident pointing to destroyed building
3. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abu Tamer Sheikh al-Eid, resident:
"We were peacefully sleeping, and nothing was happening, then we heard the sound of an explosion so we came running. We saw our neighbours; there were body parts everywhere, this paints a picture of the event that took place. This is a criminal act, (they hit) peaceful people in their homes, they weren’t military targets or anything like that."
4. Various of bodies in body bags
5. Various of women sitting by body bags
6. People gathered around the dead
7. Boy kneeling by body bag
8. Various of men performing ritual prayer for dead
9. Various of men carrying bodies into car
10. Van driving off
An Israeli airstrike late Tuesday hit a house in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, killing at least three people, according to hospital authorities. The dead included two brothers.

In footage captured by Associated Press, mourners were seen sitting by the bodies wrapped in body bags, before prayer rituals were performed by dozens of men.

The bodies were then taken to the morgue in Abu Yousef al-Najjar hospital.

The strike happened as the Israeli military signals that it plans an offensive on the city, where hundreds of thousands of people have taken refuge during the war.

Israel has said it plans to evacuate civilians from Rafah during the anticipated offensive.

Almost 80% of people in Gaza have fled their homes.

More than half of the territory’s population of 2.3 million have sought refuge in Rafah.

The war on Gaza war was sparked by an unprecedented Oct. 7 raid into southern Israel in which Palestinian militants killed around 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and abducted around 250 hostages.

Israel says the militants are still holding around 100 hostages and the remains of more than 30 others.

The war on Gaza has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, according to local health officials, around two-thirds of them children and women.

AP video shot by Mohammad Jahjouh


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