Jordan Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi meets Ireland counterpart Micheál Martin in Amman

(24 Apr 2024)

Amman, Jordan – 24 April 2024
1. Irish Foreign Minister and Defence Minister Micheál Martin being received by Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi
2. Various of meeting between Martin and Al-Safadi
3. Martin and Al-Safadi arriving for briefing
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Micheál Martin, Irish Foreign Minister and Defence Minister:
“What’s required immediately is a cease-fire, the release of all hostages, and a surge in humanitarian aid into Gaza. Unimpeded humanitarian aid, the removal of barriers to that aid, and a supportive presence to the distribution of that aid. By that I mean that the UN needs to be supported and freed up in terms of its capacity. That means deconfliction. It means proper security arrangements for the UN in terms of the distribution of aid within Gaza itself.”
5. Briefing in progress
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Micheál Martin, Irish Foreign Minister and Defence Minister:
“I visited Rafah yesterday. I met with the Red Crescent Society, I met with OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) and UNRWA representatives. And the barriers that are being put up in respect of aid is morally unacceptable. It’s just, it’s not logical. In my view, it’s reprehensible. The basic hospital equipment isn’t getting into Gaza. The basic food isn’t getting in to Gaza. And also that the ecosystem of humanitarian aid. It’s not just the flour, it’s the water. It’s the fuel. It’s the generators. All of it has to come together to make aid meaningful and impactful for a population that is on the brink of starvation. And we have evidence now of children malnourished, underweight children, in Gaza.”
7. Briefing
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Micheál Martin, Irish Foreign Minister and Defence Minister:
“We discussed the explosive situation in the West Bank, and I’m very taken by minister Safadi’s concerns about the West Bank. And we heard that yesterday as well from humanitarian workers. That’s the situation that is very, very dangerous. And again, there needs to be de-escalation there in terms of violence from settlers, the arming of settlers, and so forth. Displacement, encroachment that’s happening at a scale that risks stability there.”
9. Briefing
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Micheál Martin, Irish Foreign Minister and Defence Minister:
“We discussed the question of recognition of a Palestinian state and Ireland and Spain and Slovenia and others and are working together in terms of like-minded EU member states around the question of the recognition of Palestine. We were doing it in the context of the Arab Peace Initiative that minister Safadi has been central to, along with the cessation of violence in Gaza.”
11. Briefing
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Micheál Martin, Irish Foreign Minister and Defence Minister:
“I warmly welcome Germany’s decision, Tony, in terms of restoring and renewing and continuing aid to Gaza. I have regular contact with Annalena (Baerbock), the German foreign minister, particularly on humanitarian aid questions. And our last conversation on Monday was on humanitarian aid in general and the need to get unimpeded access into Gaza. So I warmly welcome the decision.”
13. Briefing
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Micheál Martin, Irish Foreign Minister and Defence Minister:
15. Briefing
16. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ayman al-Safadi, Jordanian Foreign Minister:
17. Briefing
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Ayman al-Safadi, Jordanian Foreign Minister:
19. Briefing
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Ayman al-Safadi, Jordanian Foreign Minister:
21. Martin and Al-Safadi leaving


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