Attorney: Weinstein tried for his character, not alleged charges

(25 Apr 2024)
Archive: New York, 24 February 2020
1. Harvey Weinstein arrives at courthouse

Los Angeles – 25 April 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Joshua Ritter, attorney:
"To criminal attorneys who have been following this closely, this is a major issue. We’re talking about using evidence to prove propensity, and that is something that we’re always trying to avoid. You don’t want to have a criminal defendant on trial for their character rather than for the charges that are being alleged and that is what the court found in very strong language in their ruling this morning."

Archive: New York, 24 February 2020
3. Harvey Weinstein in the hallway outside of courtroom

Los Angeles – 25 April 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Joshua Ritter, attorney:
"The appellate court pointed out how these decisions even extended to the ability for Harvey Weinstein to take the stand in his own defense. They’re saying that the judge was going to allow cross-examination of Harvey Weinstein if he decided to testify over allegations of just misconduct, even unrelated to sexual assault from decades ago, and that that alone prevented him from, testifying on his own behalf, and that those two things in tandem created an unfair trial."

Archive: New York, 9 July 2018
5. Various of Harvey Weinstein arriving at court

Los Angeles – 25 April 2024
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Joshua Ritter, attorney:
"If they intend to retry him, he will remain in custody pending that trial. But the other reason he’s going to remain in custody is he was sentenced to 16 years in prison in Los Angeles for unrelated but similar charges. So that will still keep him in custody, even if he’s, awaiting his trial or during the pendency of that trial in New York.

Archive: New York – 13 September 2017
7. Various of Harvey Weinstein seated at a fashion show at New York Fashion Week

Los Angeles – 25 April 2024
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Joshua Ritter, attorney:
"The law in California is a little bit different on this exact issue than it is in New York, but they going to raise the same arguments because those same tactics are used, were used in his case in California, and they’re used in many cases involving sexual assault that the prosecution, it’s obviously a stronger argument if they can bring forth other victims, even if they’re not charged victims to show, look, this person has a pattern that they’ve demonstrated of this kind of behavior. And where that gets tricky is when how are jurors
supposed to split hairs and decide, ‘Well, I’m not using this to say that this person is a bad person and therefore has the propensity to commit this crime, but instead showing that it is used for another purpose.’ Something like he had the opportunity or identity or similar motive, those types of things. And it’s a very nuanced argument. And that’s why it oftentimes creates a lot of pitfalls."

Archive: Los Angeles – 4 March 2018
9. Medium shot Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino speaking to reporter

Archive: Cannes, France, 28 May 2017
10. Various shots Uma Thurman arrives at Cannes Film Festival

"You don’t want to have a criminal defendant on trial for their character rather than for the charges that are being alleged. And that is what the court found in very strong language in their ruling this morning," said Los Angeles attorney Joshua Ritter who is not associated with the Weinstein case.


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