Trump challenges Biden to debate ‘anytime’ as he leaves the courthouse for the week

(26 Apr 2024)

New York – 26 April 2024
1. Donald Trump walks up to reporters as he leaves the courtroom
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, Former U.S. President:
"So thank you very much. This is eight days that we’ve all been sitting in this courthouse. This is all a Biden indictment. It’s in order to try and win an election, political opponent. And nothing like this has ever happened. Eight days. As you know, the economy is falling apart now. Now you’re seeing very little growth. It’s going to get worse. Oil prices are going up. You have the college campuses all over, closed down. Our country is going to hell. And we sit here day after day after day, which is their plan. Because they think they might be able to eke out an election. But I doubt it because the poll numbers are very good for us. I just want to say that I’ve invited Biden to debate. He can do it any time he wants, including tonight. I’m ready, here we are. I’ve invited him to the courthouse that he has us tied up in this situation. This is all being done through Washington. It’s all a well coordinated attack on a political opponent. But I’m here. I’m ready, willing and able. And if he wants, I’ll do it on Monday night, Tuesday night or Wednesday night. We’ll be in Michigan, a state that he’s destroyed because of the auto industry. We’re not going to have any jobs left in Michigan."
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, Former U.S. President:
"But we’re willing to do it Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night or Friday night on national television. We’re ready, just tell me where. We’ll will do it in the White House. That would be very comfortable, actually. But you tell me where. But we’re ready. He’s obviously not showing up now. We heard nothing. But he said, oh, I’d love to debate, but he won’t debate. I don’t think he’ll debate, maybe he will. Maybe he will. I’m not sure he has a choice. But that’s the story. So here we are. We’re ready, willing and able, and we don’t see him. And I don’t think he’ll be here. But maybe next week he’ll do it. I doubt it, but maybe next week. So I just want to thank everybody for being here. I know you have to suffer through this like everybody else."
4, SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, Former U.S. President:
"There’s no case whatsoever. It’s a disgrace. And we have a conflicted judge. And it shouldn’t be happening. Not in this country. Thank you very much."
5. Trump and his lawyer walk away
As he left the courthouse for the week, Donald Trump declared again that his hush money case is politically motivated and challenged President Joe Biden to debate "anytime he wants," even Friday night or at the White House.

"I’m here, I’m ready willing and able," Trump said. “We’re ready. Just tell me where. I will do it at the White House. That would be very comfortable, actually.”

Earlier in the day, during an interview with radio host Howard Stern on his Sirius XM show, Biden said he is willing to debate Trump later this fall.

Biden’s comment Friday is the most definitive he’s been on whether he would debate his presumptive Republican opponent.

So far, Biden’s reelection campaign had declined to commit to participating in the debates, a hallmark of every general election presidential campaign since 1976. .


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