Students set up tent camp and unfurl Palestinian flag at University of Milan

(10 May 2024)

Milan, Italy – 10 May 2024
1. Students unfurling giant Palestinian flag in the courtyard of the University of Milan as protesters set up tents on grass below
2. UPSOUND (Italian) Protester speaking through megaphone, pan to journalists and people listening:
“With our tents we unite with the protests of students all over Italy to advance our clear requests. We demand that the University and the government cease to be accomplices in the war crimes and the crimes against humanity carried out by Israel against the Palestinian population.”
3. Woman in kaffiyeh setting up tent with another woman
4. Students in grass near tents
5. People setting up tents and gazebo
6. Students setting up tents in courtyard
7. Wide of tents in courtyard
8. Crowd of students around tents in courtyard
9. Wide of courtyard with tents
Students unfurled a giant Palestinian flag in the courtyard of the University of Milan and set up a tent camp in solidarity with the people of Gaza on Friday.

“We demand that the University and the government cease to be accomplices in the war crimes and the crimes against humanity carried out by Israel against the Palestinian population,” a young woman declared, speaking through a megaphone to a group of journalists and protesters who gathered around her.

Police stood nearby observing the activities but did not intervene in any way.

AP Video by Luca Bruno


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