The US “in full alliance against the Palestinian rights” says Ramallah PLO official

(11 May 2024)

Ramallah – 11 May 2024
1. Exterior of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) offices
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Bassam al-Salhi, member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC):
“It is very important that all of the countries in the United Nations are in support of a Palestinian state and ending the occupation, except of course Israel and the United States, which means that Israel and the United States, they are in full alliance against the Palestinian rights. But this means for us to continue our struggle until ending the occupation of all of the lands of Palestinian state.“
3. Palestinian flags
A Palestinian official on Saturday accused the U.S. of being "in full alliance against the Palestinian rights,” after Washington voted against a resolution granting Palestine new rights and reviving its UN membership bid.

The U.N. General Assembly voted by a wide margin on Friday to grant new “rights and privileges” to Palestine and called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s request to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

The world body approved the Arab and Palestinian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 143-9 with 25 abstentions.

The United States voted against it, along with Israel, Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea.

“It is very important that all of the countries at the United Nations are in support of a Palestinian state and ending the occupation,” Bassam al-Salhi, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said of the vote.

“Except of course Israel and the United States, which means… they are in full alliance against the Palestinian rights,” he added.

The vote reflected the wide global support for full membership of Palestine in the United Nations, with many countries expressing outrage at the escalating death toll in Gaza and fears of a major Israeli offensive in Rafah, a southern city where about 1.3 million Palestinians have sought refuge.

The United States has made clear that it will block Palestinian membership and statehood until direct negotiations with Israel resolve key issues, including security, boundaries and the future of Jerusalem, and lead to a two-state solution.

The renewed push for full Palestinian membership in the U.N. comes as the war in Gaza has put the more than 75-year-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict at centre stage.

AP video shot by: Immad Isseid


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