Airports set for busy Memorial Day weekend travel

(23 May 2024)

Minneapolis – 23 May 2024
1. Various Delta airplanes taking off and taxiing with Minneapolis skyline
2. Various cars entering airport
3. Various people exiting cars at departures
4. Various travelers checking in at departures
5. TSA security wait time sign
6. Delta airlines sign
7. Arline signs including United, Air Canada and American
8. Various travelers checking in at departures
9. Delta jets taxiing
10. United Express jet landing
11. Spirit jet landing
12. Delta jet taxiing
13. Spirit jet taxiing
14. Wide jets on tarmac
15. Delta jet taking off
Highways and airports are likely to be jammed in the coming days as Americans head out on and home from Memorial Day weekend getaways.

AAA predicts this will be the busiest start-of-summer weekend in nearly 20 years with 43.8 million people expected to travel at least 50 miles from home between Thursday and Monday.

The Transportation Security Administration says up to 3 million people may pass through airport checkpoints on Friday alone. That’s just a start.

U.S. airlines expect to carry a record number of passengers this summer.

The national expression of wanderlust is happening at a time when Americans tell pollsters they are worried about the economy and the direction of the country. 


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