How was Venezuelan opposition candidate Gonzalez allowed to leave for Spain despite arrest warrant?

Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia has vowed to continue his fight for democracy in exile, after he fled Venezuela to seek asylum in Spain. Supporters maintain Gonzalez, who represented Maria Corina Machado, won the disputed presidential election six weeks ago, and not President Nicolas Maduro. The opposition says he left the country because he feared for his life. Diplomatic sources speaking to Spanish newspaper EL PAIS say political allies close to Maduro, including Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, negotiated Spain’s offer of asylum, while Spain maintains that Gonzalez himself requested asylum.

Chapter Breakdown
0:00 Opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia has been granted political asylum in Spain
2:59 DW’s Oscar Schlenker in Caracas discusses reactions to Gonzalez’ flight from Venezuela

#venezuela2024 #edmundogonzalez #politicalasylum

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News post in September 9, 2024, 3:04 am.

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