Ceremony held to remember victims of Columbine High School shooting, 25 years on

(20 Apr 2024)

Colorado – 19 April 2024
1. Beginning of ceremony honouring those killed in Columbine high school shooting UPSOUND (English) "We are gathered here tonight to honour all those who lived through, suffered, died, or were in any way harmed by the tragedy that struck Columbine High School 25 years ago tomorrow. We’d like to start with a moment of reflection.
2. SOUNDBITE (English) No name given, person leading ceremony:
"Columbine was not the first shooting in America with the school shooting, but at that time it was the worst. There had been shootings in Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas, but nothing was as deadly as Columbine. As we all know, sadly, Columbine certainly wasn’t the last."
3. Various of vigil UPSOUND (English) "Raise your hand if someone you knew or loved was killed at Columbine. Please raise your hand if you or someone you knew was impacted by Columbine. Now please raise your hand if you or someone you knew was injured."
The 12 students and one teacher killed in the Columbine High School shooting were remembered Friday in a vigil on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the tragedy.

The gathering, set up by gun safety and other organizations, is the main public event marking the anniversary, which is more subdued than in previous milestone years.

Dozens of people who were impacted by the event, including loved ones of those killed, were present at the ceremony.

The organizers of the vigil, which will also honor all those impacted by the shooting, include Colorado Ceasefire, Brady United Against Gun Violence and Colorado Faith Communities United Against Gun Violence, but they say it will not be a political event.


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