Israeli protesters carry mock coffins as they call for the release of the Gaza hostages

(21 Apr 2024)

Ra’anana – 21 April 2024
1. Protesters crossing road with mock coffin with a yellow ribbon on it, representing the hostages
2. Protesters on road holding banner reading (English) "Let my people go"
3. Protesters crossing road with mock coffin
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Zahiro Shahar mor, nephew of 79-year-old hostage Abraham Munder:
"We are here in this junction carrying four coffins to symbolize that our hostages are dying over there. They don’t have any time. We don’t want another day to go by without their coming back as soon as possible. Their health is in terrible condition and the government is abandoning them day after day after day. We are calling upon the government, if you can’t free them now, step down, step away from office and let someone who can do the, this deal, let him take office and let him be in power, him or her and just bring the hostages back because you obviously are failing to do so."
5. Various of protesters crossing road with mock coffins with yellow flowers on it, representing the hostages
Protesters in Israel carried mock coffins and wore black on Sunday to call for an immediate deal to release the remaining hostages held in Gaza.

Zahiro Shahar mor, the nephew of Abraham Munder, 79, held hostage in Gaza by Hamas for 200 days, said that the protest is "to symbolize that our hostages are dying over there. They don’t have any time."

He criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for "abandoning them day after day after day."

He demanded that that the current Israeli government step down if they are unable to bring back the hostages.

"Step away from office and let someone who can do…f this deal," he said.

The war in Gaza was sparked by an unprecedented Oct. 7 raid into southern Israel in which Hamas and other militants killed around 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and abducted around 250 hostages.

The war has killed at least 34,049 Palestinians and wounded another 76,901, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Israel says militants are still holding around 100 hostages and the remains of more than 30 others.

The ministry does not differentiate between combatants and civilians in its count but says at least two-thirds have been children and women.

AP video shot by Ami Bentov


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