Paris mayor says the River Seine will be ready to swim in by the end of June

(23 Apr 2024)

City Hall, Paris, France – 23 April 2024
1. Wide views of Olympic press conference with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Anne Hidalgo, Paris Mayor:
“Of course, we don’t forget. I won’t talk about it today because it’s not the subject. But there will be the great plunge into the Seine. We’re working on a window around June 23 or the following week, which will enable people to come and taste the water of the Seine, to swim in the Seine, and which will be an event – I’d say, that’s both cultural and sporting – with its great, great symbolic significance. So we’re going to dive into the Seine, and many volunteers have already come forward to come and dive with me, and all the athletes who will be there, and with my whole team. They’re all getting ready. We’re going to give diving lessons.”
3. Wide views of Olympic press conference with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo
4. SOUNDBITE (French) Anne Hidalgo, Paris Mayor:
“We are working together to ensure that the party is beautiful, that all our celebrations can be guaranteed safety for those who will come to participate, whether for all these festivities that we presented to you this morning or for everything related to the stricter organization, for example, and for the stricter organization of the opening ceremony and the competitions. So we work as serious people, without naivety, but with a lot of professionalism and determination so that never, ever the issue of security finally comes to prevent our freedom to be able to live together. And I think we have a lot of experience in our country. Of course, I have the unfortunate memory of the 2015 attacks.”
5. Wide views of Olympic press conference with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said on Tuesday that the River Seine would be ready to swim in by the end of June.

"There will be the great plunge into the Seine," she said. "We’re working on a window around June 23 or the following week, which will enable people to come and taste the water of the Seine, to swim in the Seine."

On the Olympic Games opening ceremony, Hidalgo said: “We are working together to ensure that the party is beautiful, that all our celebrations can be guaranteed safety for those who will come to participate, whether for all these festivities that we presented to you this morning or for everything related to the stricter organization, for example, and for the stricter organization of the opening ceremony and the competitions."

The Paris Olympics opening ceremony on July 26 on the River Seine will last nearly 4 hours.

A total of 205 delegations will parade on more than 80 boats on the Seine, and the parade will drift slowly from from east to west along a six-kilometer route.

Video shot for AP by Oleg Cetinic


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