Dueling protests outside U.S. Supreme Court, which was considering emergency abortion issue

(24 Apr 2024)

Washington — 24 April 2024
1. People wearing black veils, over people with stained sheets on the ground chanting UPSOUND (English) "Pro life is a lie, they don’t care if people die."
2. People with stained sheets laying the ground chanting UPSOUND (English) "Pro life is a lie, they don’t care if people die."
3. Wide outside Supreme Court of pro life demonstrators with UPSOUND (English) "Abortion is never the answer, abortion is not health care. Abortion denies and diminishes a woman’s value."
4. People from both sides of the issue yelling
5. People holding signs
6. Woman at podium with chants, UPSOUND (English) "Whose courts? Our courts."
7. Pan of people holding signs outside Supreme Court building down to people with stained sheets
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Regina Davis Moss, In Our Own Voice National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda:
"Don’t mistake this. This is, this is not concern. This is a mass, a grasp of power. And we are not going to let it happen. Refusing to provide care to pregnant women and experiencing a medical emergency is a shame. And it’s egregious."
8. Various of signs
9. Wide outside Supreme Court of pro life demonstrators
Dueling protests were taking place outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington.

The court was hearing arguments Wednesday over whether state abortion bans enacted after its sweeping ruling overturning Roe v. Wade can extend to medical emergencies.

The case comes from Idaho, which is among 14 states that ban abortion at all stages of pregnancy with limited exceptions.

The Biden administration argues federal health care law says hospitals must be allowed to terminate pregnancies in rare emergencies when a patient’s life or health is at serious risk. Idaho contends its ban has exceptions for life-saving abortions.

AP video shot by Rick Gentilo and Dan Huff


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