Senior Ukrainian politician hopes for US military aid to arrive ‘as soon as possible’

(24 Apr 2024)

Kyiv – 24 April 2024
1. Various of flags of the military branches of the defense forces of Ukraine
2. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleksandr Zavitnevich, the Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence:
"The main thing sometimes is in the packages, that it’s timely, that it’s as fast as possible. Because with some deliveries… This applies not only to assistance from the United States but also to other partners. It’s about the timing of this weapon’s arrival. So we expect it to be as soon as possible."
3. Mid of flags of the military branches of the Defense Forces of Ukraine
4. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleksandr Zavitnevich, the Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence:
"It’s very poorly received by the military when they know that this weapon is not available, which was previously… a month, two months, or half a year ago. And it’s very difficult to conduct active defensive actions when everyone knows that, for example: There is a shortage of ammunition, which a few months ago was available to a certain unit in a certain quantity of ammunition, ranging from small arms to mines or artillery shells."
5. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleksandr Zavitnevich, the Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence:
"When there’s nothing to respond with, then it’s quite difficult for commanders to react, to find the right words for their subordinates to execute the orders that were given."
6. Mid of flags of the military branches of the Defense Forces of Ukraine
7. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleksandr Zavitnevich, the Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence:
"Unfortunately, before the invasion, we did not produce many types of weapons in such quantities. It’s not just our country. As these past two years have shown, in many countries, the industry cannot produce the volume of weaponry needed. I would even say that now, some our enterprises have increased their capacities. At first, we were very happy about this. But, unfortunately, the amount of budget and allocations that our country allocates for armaments is insufficient."
8. Close of flags of the military branches of the Defense Forces of Ukraine
9. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleksandr Zavitnevich, the Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence:
"Ukraine is capable of manufacturing, but then we will also need additional budgeting, additional procurement. Right now, by the way, we are discussing this with our partners so that they consider one of the options. For example, financing and purchasing weapons from us, for us."
10. Close of Emblem of Ukraine
11. Wide of flags of the military branches of the Defense Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian officials on Wednesday expressed thanks for a fresh batch of U.S. military aid that threw Kyiv’s armed forces a lifeline, even though the new supplies aren’t expected to have an immediate impact on the battlefield.

Ukrainian troops have faced acute shortages of shells and air defense systems as political quarrels in Washington held up the aid for months, allowing the Kremlin’s forces to edge forward in some parts of eastern Ukraine by sheer weight of troop numbers and firepower in what has largely become a war of attrition.

Speaking to the Associated Press, Oleksandr Zavitnevich, the Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence said the key now was fast delivery.

Zavitnevich said the lack of weapons had been hard for the military.

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