Demonstration in Palestinian refugee camp in southern Lebanon as Gaza war goes on

(10 May 2024)

Ein el-Hilweh, Lebanon – 10 May 2024
1. Wide of older man leading march
2. Close of older man chanting
3. Wide of march
4. Mid of women marching carrying signs in Arabic “American universities uprising for Gaza”
5. Mid of signs reading in Arabic “American universities are more Arab than Arab universities“ and “Palestinian blood shook the conscience of the students in the world and didn’t shake the conscience of the Arabs.”
6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Jihad Mouwad, a Palestinian activist:
“We salute all the students in the American universities and we say to all the students in Arab countries to be up to the responsibility and follow the lead of the students of Western universities.”
7. Wide of protesters marching in the street
8. Man holding up sign in Arabic “Gaza is dripping blood”
9. Man chanting in the street. UPSOUND (Arabic) “Jerusalem is ours by God’s promise”
10. Old man marching with a car next to him
11. A group of women marching
12. A group of men chanting. (Arabic) “We are going to Jerusalem with millions of martyrs.”
13. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Yusuf Yusuf, protestor:
“We are from Ein el-Hilweh camp. We are waiting for another Al-Aqsa Flood operation. This is a message from the south of Lebanon. We are waiting for a signal to go into our land Palestine. Just like what happened in the first Al Aqsa flood, God willing.”
14. Various of men chanting in the street
15. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mouin Abbas, Islamic Jihad (PIJ) representative in Ein el-Hilweh:
“The resistance gave its position on the negotiations, which is to have a full (Israeli) withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. And to release Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Zionist prisoners, in addition to the reconstruction of Gaza Strip. The Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip is cohesive and is one united front when it comes to negotiations, with no retreating on their position. There is a legendary resilience from the resistance against the occupation machine.”
16. Various of car covered with Palestinian flag and white shrouds
17. Ambulance moving in the street
18. Wide of people marching in the street
Hundreds of people gathered in the Ein al Helweh Palestinian refugee camp in the Lebanese city of Sidon on Friday to show solidarity for the people in Gaza.

Ein el Helweh, located in south Lebanon, is the largest Palestinian refugee camp in the country.

The demonstration organized after the Friday prayers saw hundreds of people marching around the city with Palestinian flags and chanting slogans.

Some protesters called for more demonstrations by Arab students around the world like the campus protests taking place in U.S. universities.

“We salute all the students in the American universities and we say to all the students in Arab countries to be up to the responsibility and follow the lead of the students of western universities,” said Jihad Mouwad, a Palestinian activist.

Ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel are at a tense point following Israel’s incursion into the Rafah and seizure of the key border crossing from Gaza to Egypt.

AP video by Mohammed Zinaty


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