Two trains collide in Buenos Aires leaving dozens injured

(10 May 2024)

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 10 May 2024
1. Aerial shot of trains crashed on a bridge ++MUTE++
2. Aerial shot of wagons involved in the crash ++MUTE++
3. Aerial top shot of crashed wagons ++MUTE++
4. Firemen and ambulance crews working under the bridge and trains crashed seen behind
5. Crashed trains
6. Oil leaking from a train
7. Ambulances, fire trucks, a bridge with crashed trains
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Alberto Crescenti, Director of the Emergency Medical Care System:
"We were informed what had happened with these trains, and I automatically declared a red alert in all the city’s hospitals. 90 ambulances were used at the scene, and 90 passengers were transported and treated, of which 30 were referred with a red code, and two left by helicopter to Santojanni Hospital with head traumatism and thorax traumatism. But as a precaution, they were the first to fly."
9. Police officers and paramedics standing at the side of ambulances
10. Paramedics and ambulances standing near the crash location
11. Close of crashed wagon
12. Crashed wagons and fire trucks and crew below
13. Argentine Federal Police officers guarding perimeter near crash, forensic teams seen behind working at the crashed wagons
14. Various aerial shots of the crash ++MUTE++
At least 90 people were injured on Friday when a passenger train collided with an empty train in Buenos Aires, with 30 of them hospitalized.

The train was on its way from Buenos Aires to the northern suburbs when it derailed around 10:30 a.m. on a bridge in the trendy neighborhood of Palermo, safety officials said.

Authorities said it was not immediately clear why the empty wagon had been on the rails but that they were investigating.

The train company, Trenes Argentinos, announced on its X account that the San Martín Line was interrupted due to the crash.

Alberto Crescenti, director of the Argentine Emergency Medical Care System (SAME), said that there were no fatalities or people trapped in the train cars.

Dazed passengers staggering out of the derailed boxcars told local media that the train had stopped on the bridge for several minutes before starting up again and slamming violently into the other train, jolting passengers and veering off the rails in a jumble of sparks and smoke.

Emergency responders attended to injured individuals lying on the ground and railway tracks while firefighters worked to extract those trapped in the train cars.

Argentina has witnessed several train accidents, with one of the most severe occurring on February 22, 2012, resulting in 51 deaths when a train from the Buenos Aires suburbs crashed into the bumper at Once station in the capital.

AP video shot by Cristian Kovadloff


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