AG Garland calls Trump’s allegation of ‘deadly force’ used in Mar-a-Lago search ‘false’ and ‘extreme

(23 May 2024)

Washington – 23 May 2024
1. Walk up of Attorney General Merrick Garland and DOJ senior leaders
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Merrick Garland, Attorney General:
(Reporter: “First, can you give us some clarification on that particular point that he’s (Trump) making and whether or not deadly force is authorized and other interventions, including, the search of Mr. Biden’s, residence and office. And the second question is-“)
“Can I go one at a time? Okay. And that one, that allegation is false, and it is extremely dangerous. The document that is being referred to in the allegation is the Justice Department standard policy limiting the use of force. As the FBI advises, it is part of the standard operations plan for searches. And in fact, it was even used in the consensual search of President Biden’s home.”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Lisa Monaco, Lisa Monaco, Deputy U.S. Attorney General:
“Today’s announcement alleges that Live Nation and its subsidiary, Ticketmaster, have engaged in anti-competitive conduct to cement their dominance of the live concert market. It lays out how Live Nation Ticketmaster acts as the gatekeeper for an entire industry, reaching its proverbial hands into every stage of the concert lifecycle, from who promotes the shows to where they happen, to how they are ticketed and with its exclusionary conduct, Live Nation effectively reaches into the pockets of concert goers by driving up fees.”
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Lisa Monaco, Lisa Monaco, Deputy U.S. Attorney General:
“Today’s lawsuit by the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division is an enormous step forward in preventing one company from dictating the ebbs and flows of an entire industry. It’s a step forward to give more venues, promoters and ticket sellers a chance to compete for the biggest shows, and it’s a step forward in making this era of live music more accessible for the fans, the artists and the industry that supports them.”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Jonathan Kanter, Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division:
“And through its Ticketmaster subsidiary, Live Nation controls primary ticketing at hundreds of other venues across the country. And it is through these exclusive ticketing arrangements that Americans face the dreaded Ticketmaster tax. The seemingly endless set of fees ironically named service fee or, convenience fee, when they’re anything but.“
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Jonathan Kanter, Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division:
“Live music should not be available only to those who can afford to pay the Ticketmaster tax. We are here today to fight for competition so that we can reopen the doors to the live music industry for all.“
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Merrick Garland, Attorney General:
(Reporter: “The Justice Department has said that in court multiple times that voters deserve a quick resolution to the cases against Donald Trump. If that does not happen and there is not a resolution or any trial before the election, would that be a failure of justice?”)
“The Justice Department’s position is to seek a speedy trial. That matter is now in the hands of the courts. I’m not going to speculate any further."
8. Garland walks from podium

Attorney General Merrick Garland called Trump’s claim that the Biden administration authorized the use of “deadly force” against the former President during the an FBI search of his Mar-a- Lago estate in 2022 as “false” and “extremely dangerous.”

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